CiteScholar for Journal Management

CiteScholar Journals Management, your partner in simplifying journal management for scholarly publications. In a dynamic landscape where scholarly publishing continually evolves, having a reliable and adaptable solution is essential.
Tailored Solutions for Your Journal's Success
CiteScholar Manuscripts empowers you to align your journal management seamlessly with your strategic objectives. Whether you aim to enhance workflow efficiency, expand your pool of reviewers and authors, or embrace more open publishing models, our platform provides the flexibility and trust you need to maintain and elevate your journal's standing in the academic community.
Addressing Your Key Challenges

Effortless Management for Editors and Staff
We understand the significance of content for your conference, which is why we've made it effortless to collect and manage all necessary materials. From proposals to abstracts and awards, our platform is designed to gather everything you need efficiently, allowing you to focus on curating a memorable event.

Engaging Reviewers and Authors
Deliver a superior user experience that resonates with researchers. Our intuitive interface, favored by 80% of surveyed authors and reviewers, simplifies their interactions with the platform, enhancing engagement and satisfaction.

Promoting Research Integrity
Safeguard the integrity of your publications by detecting anomalous behavior and addressing integrity-related concerns before publication. Our system helps identify issues proactively, minimizing the risk of retractions and upholding the credibility of your journal.

Adaptable Implementation
Choose from a range of best practice workflows derived from over 8,000 journal setups. Tailor workflows to suit your specific content and editorial requirements, with expert guidance available to optimize your journal's operations.
Efficient Manuscript Submission
Capture standardized metadata effortlessly, accelerating the submission process. Automated extraction of essential manuscript details streamlines submissions, while cascade and transfer options facilitate seamless author engagement across your journal portfolio.
Facilitating Adoption of Open Models
Transition to open peer review effortlessly with our exclusive Transparent Peer Review service. Manage open access agreements and notifications seamlessly, leveraging integrations with renowned solutions like RightsLink and OA Switchboard. Additionally, streamline connections with prominent preprint and data repositories as part of the submission process.
Ensuring Journal Protection
Identify potentially irregular activities by authors and reviewers using our Unusual Activity Detection feature. Our highly scalable solution, supported by information security experts, ensures the safeguarding of your valuable data. Plus, integrate seamlessly with leading third-party tools for additional security measures.